Pertikaian Sengit Bin Seru Habis Antar Engine-Engine Catur Top Dunia Di Turnamen TCEC 2011

Hari-hari ini merupakan hari-hari yang mungkin cukup bikin depresi bagi para programmer engine catur top dunia, karena karya mereka, engine caturnya sedang ditawur alias dipertandingkan satu sama lain dalam suatu kompetisi antar engine catur top dunia untuk membuktikan siapakah saat ini sekarang ini di antara mereka yang menjadi JUARA alias No.1 di DUNIA ENGINE CATUR! Jelas ini adalah GENGSI dan HARGA DIRI bagi para programmer tersebut di mata dunia catur! Hal ini juga karena mulai dipertanyakannya kesaktian engine Rybka yang di masa sebelumnya selalu berjaya dengan kemunculan engine-engine lain yang hebat-hebat bahkan konon lebih superior dibanding Rybka! Saya merasa Vasik Rajlich (programmer Rybka) tidak akan bisa tidur nyenyak dalam 1 minggu ini karena engine kebanggannya sedang diusik hegemoni/status quonya oleh engine-engine lain pendatang baru yang nakal. Turnamen/Kompetisi ini bertajuk TCEC (Thoresen Chess Engines Competition) 2011 dan sebenarnya terdiri dari 3 kelompok (divisi). Yaitu Divisi I/Utama (Premier), Divisi 2, Divisi 3. Juga berlaku degradasi bagi yang juru kunci dan kenaikan divisi bagi yang juara 1 di divisi 2/3 (Kayak di Liga Sepakbola Indonesia aja ya!). Masing-masing Divisi diikuti oleh 8 (delapan) engine catur pilihan. Yang menang peringkat 1 & 2 di Divisi Utama akan dipertandingkan secara dwi tarung untuk membuktikan benar-benar siapa yang layak menjadi The No.1! Simak dan baca terus ya...

Masing-masing partai dimainkan 2x hitam putih. Setiap partai waktunya 40 langkah dalam 100 menit, kemudian 20 langkah dalam 50 menit dan sisanya 20 menit (plus increment 10 detik/langkah) sampai salah satu pihak kalah atau jamnya jatuh. Opening sudah diatur sedemikian rupa agar tidak berulang, karena mengambil dari database opening/opening book yang telah ada dan diambil secara acak. Pegang hitam putih openingnya sama. Dan penilaian menggunakan cara seperti di olahraga sepakbola yaitu menang dinilai 3, draw 1 dan kalah sudah pasti 0.

Semua hardware yang digunakan adalah sama yaitu menggunakan Intel Core i7 980X yang di-overclock pada speed 4.3 GHz. Memori yang dipakai kebayang nggak? 12 GB! Endgame Tablebase (Database Ending) juga dipakai sesuai bawaan engine masing-masing. Software GUI Catur yang dipakai untuk mempertandingkan engine-engine catur dalam kompetisi ini dipercayakan pada software ChessGUI ( Yang lain silakan baca sendiri di informasi pada situs resminya yang saya cuplik di bawah.

Peserta I/Divisi Utama (Premier) (berdasarkan undian)

1.Hiarcs 13.2
2.Houdini 1.5
3.Shredder 12
4.Critter 0.9
5.Stockfish 2.0.1
6.IvanHoe B47ca
7.Ryka 4
8.Naum 4.2

Sayangnya engine catur terkenal Fritz 12 tidak diikutkan serta. Seandainya ikut yang layak Fritz 12 ini masuk ke Divisi Utama/1. Apa mungkin sudah diwakili oleh 'temannya' yaitu Shredder atau bisa juga karena memang tidak ada Fritz 12 for UCI.

Peserta Divisi 2

1.Crafty 23.4
2.Komodo 1.2
3.Onno 1.2.7
4.Protector 1.36.379
5.Sjeng c't 2010
6.Junior 12.0
7.Spark 1.0
8.Gull 1.1

Kayaknya Engine Catur Chessmaster, The King layak masuk ke Divisi 2 kompetisi ini, mengingat The King/Chessmaster sudah sangat termasyhur namanya di dunia komputer catur!

Peserta Divisi 3

1.Scorpio 2.6
2.Daydreamer 1.75
3.Arasan 12.2
4.Hannibal 1.0a
5.Umko 1.1
6.Gaviota 0.8
7.Tornado 4.4
8.Jonny 4.0

Berikut informasi lengkap tentang kompetisi ini dari situs resminya:

General Information

What if computer chess engines are given decent hardware and a healthy amount of thinking time at their disposal? The aim with this project is to present high-quality chess played by computer chess engines of different strength. The goal is not to create a rating list that shows how strong engine X is relative to engine Y or Z after letting them play hundreds or even thousands of games. For that we have the excellent SWCR, IPON, CEGT and CCRL.

Each game presented on this site is played with a time control of 40 moves in 100 minutes, the next 20 moves in 50 minutes, then finally 20 minutes for the rest plus 10 seconds added per move at this last time control. If an engine loses on time for various reasons the result will stand - hence the game will not be replayed. All opening moves are randomly fetched from a PGN file which contains 200.810 different openings. They are all fixed to 12 moves / 24 plies.

The Division System

There are currently 3 seperate Divisions: 1, 2 and 3 where 1 is the "Premier" Division. Each Division consists of 8 engines. In each season, 56 games will be played per Division, which means a double round robin where everyone of the 8 participating engines play each other twice. The openings are made so that they are random per engine pair in rounds 1-7. In rounds 8-14 the colors are reversed, with the same openings and pairs, so all in all this means that each engine plays both black and white of the same position versus the same opponent. Note that the traditional scoring system has been replaced with a 3-1-0 system meaning 3 points for a victory, 1 point for a draw and 0 points for a loss.

If an engine currently scheduled to play in any Division has been released in a new version, this new version takes the place of the old version, but only if the Division hasn't started yet. So during a Division being played, no engine upgrades are allowed. When a season ends, meaning that all 3 Divisions and the Elite Match have been played, the top two engines are promoted to the Division above, and the bottom two engines are demoted to play in the Division below for the next season. In Division 3, the two bottom engines will be replaced by two new engines (or previous engines which has been released in a newer version) so they are out of the TCEC system for the coming season. If necessary, tiebreaks can be used to determine promotions and demotions. The first tiebreak critera is the Sonneborn-Berger. If still a tie, the greatest number of wins decides. In case of still being tied, then the direct encounter between the tied engines decides. If by a miracle they are still tied, then the tournament director decides which engine gets the promotion.

Elite Matches

After all the Divisions have finished their group play, the top two engines from Division 1 will meet in an "Elite Match" of 40 games. If there are several engines placed as number 1 or 2 in Division 1, then the same tiebreaks described above are used. The match is played with 20 different openings so that each engine plays both black and white of the same position. In the case of a drawn match, 8 rapid games with a time control of 25+10 are played. If still tied, then 8 blitz games with a time control of 4+2 are played. If the participants are still tied they play another 4 blitz games until a clear winner emerges. The winner of this match becomes the "TCEC Season X Champion" and this ends the current season.

Engine Configuration

Each engine is allowed to use up to ~4 GB of hash and is allowed to use up to all six cores of the processor, if this is supported. Pondering or "permanent brain" is not allowed so it is always disabled. If an engine executable supports the pop_cnt instructions it will be preferred over the non-pop_cnt executable, the same applies to 64-bit builds being preferred over 32-bit builds. It is not allowed to change the engine configuration or parameters, so the default settings for each engine are always used. A prefix like "Deep" has been omitted from the engine names, but the "Deep" version of an engine is always used if the engine exists in this version. In general, most commercial and free engines are available. All evaluation displayed on the live pages are from white's point of view.

GUI Adjudication

A game can be drawn by the normal 3-fold repetition rule or the 50-move rule. However, a game can also be drawn at move 30 or later if the eval from both engines are within +0.05 to -0.05 pawns for the last 5 moves, or 10 plies. If there is a pawn advance, or a capture by any kind, this special draw rule will reset and start over. It will adjudicate as lost or won if both engines have an eval of at least 5.25 or -5.25 pawns for 3 consecutive moves - this rule is in effect as soon as the game starts.

Endgame Tablebases

Nalimov, Gaviota, Shredderbases, Robbobases and Scorpio flavors are available depending on which each specific engine can use. All of them have all 3,4 and 5 men pieces which are hosted on a fast intel SSD drive. Up to 256 MB of tablebase cache is allowed.


The processor is the six-core Intel Core i7 980x which is overclocked to 4303 MHz and cooled by Noctua NH-D14. Hyper-threading has been disabled since this is known to increase the overclocking capabilities and it doesn't bring any benefit to computer chess engines. The motherboard, an Asus Rampage III Gene, is the heart of the system. The 12 GB Corsair memory runs at 890 MHz with the timings of 6-8-7-21 72 1T. The Uncore runs at 3709 MHz while the QPI runs at 3561 MHz. You can see a screenshot of the desktop within Windows 7, with benchmarks and info, if you click here and the benchmark results from Aida64 if you click here.


On the software end there is phpBB which is the excellent open-source forum script. Then we have ChessGUI which is the GUI that actually plays all the games. pgn4web is the main script used to present the games, both live and in the forum.

Situs resmi kompetisi TCEC ini bisa dikunjungi di alamat:

Bagi yang ingin menyaksikan siaran langsung dari kompetisi engine-engine catur terdahsyat di kolong langit ini (termasuk download semua partainya secara gratis!) bisa langsung ke TKP di alamat: (Divisi 1/Utama/Premier) (Divisi 2) (Divisi 3)

Yang lain bisa nonton di situs ChessBomb di alamat:


Wah kayaknya Rybka 4 bakalan sungguhan digusur dari singgasana nih! Siapa ya nanti yang Juara di Divisi Utama?



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